Green Belt – Forms and Katas
Naihanchi Kata
This Kata does not follow the “I” path. Instead, it is performed in a straight line, first moving right, left, then right again.
Opening sequence: Perform the opening sequence as normal, but instead of looking and turning left from Kiba Dachi, step your left foot to meet your right as you hold your arms fully extended at your sides in Heisoku Dachi. Then, raise your arms up above your head in an arc motion, making sure they’re fully extended throughout. At the top of the arc, directly above your head, touch your right palm to the back of your left hand so that both palms are facing forward and the right hand is behind the left. Then turn both arms in so that the palms are now facing backwards and clench your right hand into a fist as you do so. Slowly lower both of your arms following your midline and end with your arms fully extended, pointing down with your left, extended hand covering your right fist. Look right, transition into a Musubi Dachi and bend at the knees.
Right side: Then move laterally to your right by stepping your left foot across in front of your right and then your right foot to the right one step to uncross the legs. As you step with your right foot, fully extend your right arm up and out about 15 degrees with an open hand while moving your left hand back to the preparatory reverse punch position….